
Hugo provides coverage and innovates on part-time insurance for states that allow it. Coverage Cat chooses the best-fit coverage for your risk needs.

Hugo vs. Coverage Cat

Want to read an in-depth review of Hugo's service? Check out our article " Is Hugo Insurance legit? "

For customers with an interest in keeping their costs low Hugo helps purchase car insurance. The company's tag line, "The future of car insurance," makes it clear there’s a seachange around “micropayments, and on-demand coverage” coming to car insurance.

Coverage Cat feels well aligned with some of these goals in our missions to provide users with the best insurance buying experience. That said, there are important differences. Hugo mostly provides its insurance through one carrier and specialty insurance relationship. Coverage Cat searches across providers (including those where we don't make money).

Hugo’s webpage has good comparison charts that outline how their coverage plans are different from those provided by different insurers, as well as a map of the states where it’s product is available. However, it’s intake form runs long in the tooth in spite of a shiny-buttoned promise to “Check My Price” on their landing page.

Hugo and Coverage Cat provide different approaches to car insurance with both practical and philosophical differences. We’re both into saving users money!

Coverage Cat chooses the best-fit coverage for your risk needs. We skip a step and choose the best policy for you (we explain and allow you to change every choice), so you can avoid additional comparison overhead. Check out our no-commitment coverage calculator to learn about your price and coverage options.

Hugo offers a specialty insurance product for drivers who look for “budget friendly payment plans”. It also sells full coverage, but only in Illinois, on what it describes as a budget plan that might help users save money.