
Otto Insurance is a lead-generator that matches you to agents, brokers, and carriers who can sell you a policy. When you complete their form, Otto will often sell your information to third parties. Coverage Cat chooses the best-fit coverage for your risk needs and doesn’t sell your data.

Otto vs. Coverage Cat

Interested to learn more about Otto? Check out our in-depth review on the service. In-spite of its claims to be a one-stop-shop, Otto does not sell or provide insurance quotes. Instead, it sells your information to agents, brokers, or carriers in the space who can then sell you a policy. Otto's website call-to-action:

Take our free quiz now // Click here to see how much you can save today

suggests that it will provide information on insurance savings right out of the gate.

However, unlike Otto, Coverage Cat delivers this information to its users through both our price comparison and comprehensive and collision coverage calculators. This information is also baked right into our intake form which will show you our best estimate for your savings as you share additional information. Most Otto customers will not receive a quote once they share their personal information with the site.

While Coverage Cat is committed to never resell your data, Otto does it as a matter of standard operating procedure in order to allow third parties to provide its users with quotes. Otto and Coverage Cat provide different experiences to buy insurance with practical that users should be aware of so they can pick the right service for their needs.

Coverage Cat chooses the best-fit coverage for your risk needs. We skip selling your information to third parties and choose the best policy for you (we explain and allow you to change every choice), so you can avoid the often convoluted process of policy comparison. Otto offers a fast-to-use form, but little price information, and sells your information to third parties in the insurance industry who are then free to solicit you to purchase their products.