What we do

See also: Our Team and FAQ

Why does Coverage Cat exist?

Insurance would work a lot better if people could easily find out what it’s going to cost, without having to fill out dozens of forms and have a bunch of spammy sales phone calls.

We started Coverage Cat to help people quickly find the right match between the coverage they need and the best price for that amount of coverage.

What makes Coverage Cat different?

To get the best price in insurance, you usually have to shop around by contacting dozens of different companies.

Marketplaces or brokers that ought to make this process easy only show you the things they get paid to sell you, which means you still have to contact insurance companies that aren’t paying to be included in that set of quotes. 

Coverage Cat isn’t like that — our insurance concierge shows you all the insurance options that we know about, EVEN IF we won’t get paid when we sell it.

How does Coverage Cat work?

Coverage Cat solves insurance’s opaque pricing scheme by pooling together customer quotes. In order to give you the best option, we knew we’d need millions of prices for the many options they could buy. So we built software for ourselves to rapidly discover if there were better prices available in the marketplace for our users. In the process, we saw tons of people with the wrong insurance and wildly overpaying for it. But then we thought — why not make that data public, so that anyone can see it?

So we launched Coverage Cat’s price transparency calculators, enabling anyone to browse millions of prices in our database. This tool, and the others we provide, gives everyone the opportunity to see what people similar to you pay for insurance, even if those insurers don’t pay Coverage Cat any commissions. 

When you shop with us you are more informed thanks to our unique, and improving, data.

How is Coverage Cat free?

We always put the user first — we’ll tell you about the best thing we can find even if we don’t get paid for it. We can provide Coverage Cat for free because some percentage of our users discover that the best insurance for them is with a company that pays us a commission. The commissions from those serendipitous cases enable us to support a service that's free for everyone.

We’re a data-driven licensed broker

Coverage Cat is a licensed insurance agency and brokerage. But instead of doing things the old-fashioned way and just telling you about a handful of policies that we guess might be good, we visibility into the market to figure out the right set of policies that makes the most sense for your specific financial needs.

We’re only available in a few states right now!

Because each state requires us to get a separate license to do business in their state, we’re currently only available for consumers in: California, Florida, New York, Texas, and Washington. Sorry, but we’ll get to the rest of you as soon as we can!

What types of insurance do you help match?

Right now, Coverage Cat specializes in personal property and casualty insurance (Auto, Home, Renters, Umbrella). Our advising also extends to many consumer-facing embedded insurance products: e.g., pet insurance, ring insurance, travel insurance, flood insurance, and others.